
Chinese Foundation for Peace and Development (CFPD) Delegation Visits Tanon Village and Ang Komnob Elementary School

(Takeo): On 23 February 2023, the Civil Society Alliance Forum (CSO) chaired by HE Kem Rath Viseth, Secretary of State of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the CSAF Council, 3 Deputy Secretaries General, including CSAF officials. Coordinated the visit of the delegation of China Foundation for Peace and Development (CFPD) led by HE Xu Jianguo and 5 accompanying officials to review the progress of the \"Cambodia-China Friendship Project to Reduce Poverty in Tanon Village\" »Achievements under the auspices of the CFPD.During the visit, the CFPD delegation inspected the water supply system, water supply pond for some villagers, roads in Tanon village and solar system for street lighting at night. The CFPD delegation then proceeded to inspect the school building of Angkambon Primary School in Svay Khom Village, which received construction funding from the CFPD. After inspecting the campus and students\' campus, the CFPD and CSAF delegations met in the library of Angkambon Primary School. In this meeting, HE Kem Rath Viseth, Chairman of the Council of the Royal Government of Cambodia, thanked the CFPD for funding the development project in Tanon village, the construction of school buildings and other assistance that has been implemented. His Excellency the Chairman of the CSAF Council also requested the CFPD delegation to continue to fund some projects that have not yet been implemented, such as livelihood improvement projects (growing vegetables, raising livestock, raising fish …), composting, which is an important project. Important in line with the actual situation that Cambodia is in the process of economic recovery after the Kovid 19 crisis.The CFPD delegation was pleased to see firsthand the remarkable progress of the project, comparing the first visit to the village, the difficult road, muddy and unsightly roads, but now Tanon village Renovated with beautiful concrete roads, night lights and clean water system for the people. The CFPD delegation accepted the CSAF project proposal and reviewed it at the end of the visit.(Takeo): On 23 February 2023, the Civil Society Alliance Forum (CSO) chaired by HE Kem Rath Viseth, Secretary of State of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the CSAF Council, 3 Deputy Secretaries General, including CSAF officials. Coordinated the visit of the delegation of China Foundation for Peace and Development (CFPD) led by HE Xu Jianguo and 5 accompanying officials to review the progress of the \"Cambodia-China Friendship Project to Reduce Poverty in Tanon Village\" »Achievements under the auspices of the CFPD.During the visit, the CFPD delegation inspected the water supply system, water supply pond for some villagers, roads in Tanon village and solar system for street lighting at night. The CFPD delegation then proceeded to inspect the school building of Angkambon Primary School in Svay Khom Village, which received construction funding from the CFPD. After inspecting the campus and students\' campus, the CFPD and CSAF delegations met in the library of Angkambon Primary School. In this meeting, HE Kem Rath Viseth, Chairman of the Council of the Royal Government of Cambodia, thanked the CFPD for funding the development project in Tanon village, the construction of school buildings and other assistance that has been implemented. His Excellency the Chairman of the CSAF Council also requested the CFPD delegation to continue to fund some projects that have not yet been implemented, such as livelihood improvement projects (growing vegetables, raising livestock, raising fish …), composting, which is an important project. Important in line with the actual situation that Cambodia is in the process of economic recovery after the Kovid 19 crisis.The CFPD delegation was pleased to see firsthand the remarkable progress of the project, comparing the first visit to the village, the difficult road, muddy and unsightly roads, but now Tanon village Renovated with beautiful concrete roads, night lights and clean water system for the people. The CFPD delegation accepted the CSAF project proposal and reviewed it at the end of the visit.

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