[Phnom Penh] After successful completion of Review Mission conducted on 11-15th September 2023 in Takeo and Preah Vihear Provinces, CSAF on behalf of Executing Agency of CBTRC facilitated a Wrap-up Meeting on Tuesday 19th September 2023 presided over by H.E. Kemreat Viseth, Chairman of CSAF and Coordinator of Executing Agency (EA) with participation of representative of Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, JICA representative, ADB delegation to Cambodia (ADB-CARM), MEF Expert Officers, and national and international project consultants.

This meeting aims to share current overall project status; mission findings on project finance, procurement, safeguards, and gender status; and to discuss and agree on Action Plan to accelerate project progress in 2023.

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A Kickoff Meeting to review mission
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