Community-Based Tourism COVID-19 Recovery ProjectClose

Training on “Effective Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Action Plan (GAP) Implementation, and PPMS for Project M&E”

Community-Based Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Project organized “Effective Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Action Plan (GAP) Implementation, and PPMS for Project M&E” to PIU Takeo and PIU Preah Vihear on 5th September 2023 at OCM Office.

The purpose of this training workshop aims to:

  • Build capacity to PCU and PIU’s gender and M&E key persons on gender mainstreaming and GAP of the project, and PPMS including project indicators;
  • Let participants to understand the GAP and PPMS of the project including data collection tools/forms; and
  • Explain the ways to collect data for GAP and PPMS report productions. 

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of gender mainstreaming and include gender in all project implementation activities;
  • Identify and clear understanding the project indicators and data collection tools/ forms; and
  • Use the data collection tools/forms to gather data from their project implementation activities.