The CSAF Is an institution established under the sub-decree No. 128 of the Royal Government of June 26, 2016 to support the development of the country through civil society in accordance with Cambodia’s national development policy. The organization aims to promote cooperation between NGOs, community associations and unions with the government coordinate their work with the local authority to encourage and promote increased collaboration and sharing of experiences between all institutions in the fields of civil society in order to achieve the rapid development of sustainable Mechanical and sustainability.
The CSAF Participate in the preparation of forums and conferences, focusing on the current and future challenges of Cambodia, opening wide participation of civil society representatives, students, scholars, researchers, professors, and professors based on the principles of freedom of expression and expression in accordance with the Constitution. Democracy and laws of Cambodia to examine the root of the challenge, as well as to find alternative solutions or alternatives that can be used to address those challenges. The US Will gather, compile, and publish good ideas acquired through scientific research to document and fund research.

The CSAF Will also undertake a comprehensive study of the options of solutions, challenges, diversities, possibilities and priorities of Cambodian social development goals for specific circumstances to develop development policies and proposals submitted to the Royal Government.
The CSAF To promote and promote the role of civil society development partners in the Government. The US Facilitate the mobilization of resources and funds from development partners and coordinate and support in organizing, managing and implementing program projects with organizations, associations, unions and other stakeholders to promote local development throughout the country.
Board Members

The CSAF Is an institution established under the sub-decree No. 128 of the Royal Government of June 26, 2016 to support the development of the country through civil society in accordance with Cambodia’s national development policy. The organization aims to promote cooperation between NGOs, community associations and unions with the government coordinate their work with the local authority to encourage and promote increased collaboration and sharing of experiences between all institutions in the fields of civil society in order to achieve the rapid development of sustainable Mechanical and sustainability.
Department of Public Relations and International Cooperation
The Department of Public Relations and International Cooperation has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Coordinate work with national and international civil society in organizing discussions, forums, conferences, conferences, seminars, training courses and other programs
- Review and advise on strengthening and expanding cooperation with national and international civil society and development partners
- Mobilize technical and financial assistance from the international community and development partners in line with the Royal Government’s policy to contribute to the development of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
- Organize discussion points and support for the Board of Directors and attend important meetings related to sub-regional, regional and global cooperation, as well as cooperation matters related to national and international civil society.
Department of Planning and Project
The Department of Planning and Project has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Study and develop CSAF short, medium and long term plans
- Coordinate and support the organization, management and implementation of program projects with stakeholders and development partners
- Study and prepare development projects aimed at promoting development in all areas to seek technical and financial assistance from development partners
- Coordinate the mobilization of resources and funds from development partners to support and implement CSAF programs and projects
- Responsible for implementing and monitoring and evaluating CSAF projects
Department of Administration and Finance
The Department of Administration and Finance was established by Sub-Decree No. 128 dated 22 June 2017 on the Organization and Functioning of the General Secretariat of the Civil Society Forum. Pursuant to Prakas No. 112 Prak dated 15 November 2017 on the Organization and Functioning of the Office of the Department of the General Secretariat of the Civil Society Forum, the Department of Administration and Finance has two subordinate offices: Office of Administration and Personnel and Office Accounting and supply.
Vision and Mission
The Department of Administration and Finance exists in order to ensure the sustainability of the administrative and financial process of the Civil Society Forum.
To achieve the above vision, the department has the following main missions:
- Coordinate CSAF administrative activities
- Manage traffic of CSAF administrative files
- Co-organize meetings, conferences, conferences, forums, seminars, training courses and other events
- Organize a contract to recruit contract staff to work at the General Secretariat
- Administer the administration, civil servants and staff under the General Secretariat
- Make a report summarizing the work results and further direction of the department
- Collaborate to recruit capable human resources to participate in research work
- Study and organize training, education and capacity building programs for civil servants and CSAF staff
- Study and prepare principles, strategies, budgets and financial action plans
- Supervise, manage and use resources and budgets from various partners, as well as monitor and disburse CSAF budgets.
- Make regular income-expenditure reports
- Perform other duties as assigned by the Secretary-General.
Department of Research and Information Technology
The Department of Labor, Research, Dissemination and Information Technology has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Organize a forum to discuss challenges in collaboration with local and international stakeholders
- Coordinate and cooperate in research with national and international scholars to compile and publish important documents to contribute to the Royal Government to reduce poverty and improve the well-being and livelihood of the people in accordance with the policy of the Royal Government
- Disseminate views, opinions and activities for the purpose of maintaining peace, political stability and sustainable development, and contribute to the strengthening of the rule of law, democracy and freedom of expression within the legal framework.
- Study, review, organize and be responsible for information related to information technology to ensure the efficiency of CSAF
- Manage data, information, reports and documents related to CSAF work